you see, a few months back i had a disturbing dream. only i didn't think it was disturbing until i woke up. all during my slumber i was quite surprised to learn just how much fun having sex with a midget could be. i mean, the way they're built, they're just so...accommodating. i could toss him, turn him and spin him any which way that took my fancy. and now my boyfriend (who used to think it was so cute that we are the exact same height) has developed an anti-napoleon complex. sometimes i catch him going barefoot while i'm still wearing shoes just so he can capitalize on the one to two inches he loses.
since then, i have had no less than FOUR midget sightings in the past few weeks. now i don't know about you, but before then i'd probably only seen one or two real-life little people in my nearly 29 years. am i now pyscho-kinetically connected to them? i'm not sure if it's all the beach sand in my brain or if it's god playing a little carnie prank on me.
to the best of my knowledge i don't think i have a midget fetish. but if i do, it's probably best left dealt with by my unconscious self. after all, this ain't no lollipop guild. but flying monkeys, now there's something interesting...