Tick-work, tick-work, tick-work. The time can seem to go by in billable minutes when you're not looking. We spend 60-70% of our lives working and it's always amazed me to realize how many people I know are unhappy in their jobs. I mean, it's your LIFE. In my opinion, it's absolutely critical to love what you do.
The past couple of weeks have been incredibly hectic for me. Late night business pitches, red-eye flights, between-meeting costume changes, brilliance on command....at times I feel like nothing more than a dancing monkey. But then, I'm a fantastic dancer and I've always loved monkeys.
I despise karaoke, but the one time a friend did manage to trick me onstage, I paid homage (not that I have the voice to back up that word choice) to Dolly Parton's "9 to 5". At the time I was busy working with a team of young advertising rockstars on an outside project competition. Needless to say, we won the competition and my celebratory spirit misguided me into thinking I could sing in front of an audience just as well as I could present a communications plan. Sure, I had the dancing and stage presence down, but I was horrified at the warbling voice that reverberated back at me through the speakers. Certainly it was a joke? My echoed bathroom and roaring road trip voices are much more representative of my singing ability.
But I was singing for the freedom of it. Because I had put in more work than necessary in order to win. My ambition, though flighty, has always surprised me.
I'm only slightly embarrassed to admit I recently read the guilty pleasure, The Devil Wears Prada. It's the story of a bright, but achingly dedicated girl completely and utterly dominated by a tyrannical bitch. The whole time I read it, I counted each blessed angel in my career. I've heard gruesome stories from friends, but I've always managed to have the most inspirational mentors. They taught me the worth and fun of a career. And I've realized how much this has affected me and what my future will be. No matter what happens, what path my career takes, I will never, ever settle for anything less than what makes me happy.
In the words of the indomitably inhuman Miranda Priestly: "That's all."
so you despise karaoke hmmm how quickly you 4-get. oh and yes please never settle for less.... i don't~*
Oh my goodness Will I love that you read that book because now you will understand the first three years of my career. No joke.
Got in trouble for going to the restroom.
Love it.
Hope you're well...let's karaoke again soon, okay? :)
okay, so i just watched one of my favorite TV shows, Reba. in the episode, they end up going to a karaoke bar. and what do Barbara Jean and Reba end up singin??? 9 TO 5!!! Hahahhaha!!!! I love it when different loves of your life cross.
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