I love South Beach, I really do. But it always seems a lot like Vegas after the first couple of days. In the beginning you’re overwhelmed with all the shiny glitz and glamour…but then by the third day you see beyond the pretty paint and it all just seems tacky and overboard. And you get tired of all of the pretentiousness. I mean, I was in a city built for the beach, but was turned away at every door of every lounge for wearing flip-flops!
So that’s when I decided to leave the endless parade of tourists in their fabulous boutique hotels along the coastline in search for the locals. I wanted the South Beach in the raw.
I walked a couple of streets inland from Ocean Avenue and found a gem. A diamond in the rough, so to speak. Automatic Slims Rock ‘n Roll bar, complete with stripper pole and endless 80s anthems. A place you’d expect to find in Hollywood maybe, but not South Beach. I looked around and the room was filled with Latinos! They came in punked-out hair and gothic goatees, Madonna lace bras and Guns ‘n Roses leather pants!
Like so many things, it is not what's on the coastline, but what is inland that counts. We stereotype entire races without recognizing their beautifully complex intricacies. And that’s precisely why I love my job. Because I get to bring them out of the dark and into the sol.
1 comment:
I love south beach too... but the last time I went inland to an off the beaten path bar for a birthday party we got asked to leave. Granted, it was a straight club, and we were literally swinging from the rafters wearing make-up and no shirts. But still... if we cant be gay in south beach where can we be gay!?
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