Well, maybe it's just a connection with gay male heroes. No lesbians allowed? Hmmm....think again. Wonderwoman, is one of the first dyke icons, crossing femininity (her long hair and gigantic breasts) with more masculine traits (her Amazon's frame, cold metallic forearm plates and, of course, her cowboy's lasso).
But it doesn't stop with that original brood. They've actually evolved into even stronger stereotypes. Today we have Xena, the modern day warrior princess, beloved poster woman of many lesbians. We also have the X-men lead by Wolverine, a hairy, well-muscled leather daddy-bear if ever I've seen one. Why, he even comes equipped with S&M devices in the "form of!" blade-like claws that shoot out through his fingers.
It's not just the characters themselves that are gay-like. It's the gays who simply adore them too. Enough to daydream well beyond adolescence that some mysterious benefactor will one day fly them away to some secret cave where a special power will be revealed to them.
But what's really underneath that torso-clinging spandex? Who's the man behind the mask?
As a gay man, I understand what it's like to grow up different. You feel like no one else can understand you. There's no one else like you in the world and you must endure it all alone. You have to hide your secret identity at all costs, for fear that others will shout, "Freak! Unnatural!" So you cower in your cave or hide behind your flawless facade, until one day you don your black leather boots, your tight shirts and your utility belt to unmask yourself to the world. It's about the need to believe that you have been dealt this fate for a reason. You're not an outcast...you're "the one!" You come to believe that you've been given a gift and that it is up to you to use it for good...or perhaps in some cases, for evil.
But was I the only one, or were there others like me after all? After some light research, I found Gay League - a community specifically for gay comic readers and creators. In the site, they list the entire of collection of out superheroes, including those of "uncertain orientation" and even transgendered heroes. And these aren't characters created by small, independent comic companies...they're developed by the two who've been doing it all along, Marvel & DC. In 1992, Marvel revealed that, after years of implication, their hero Northstar was indeed homosexual. Northstar was the first openly gay superhero to have a permanent presence in a continuing series. And more recently, a few characters were revealed gay in two Marvel titles: the Ultimate Incarnation of Colossus in Ultimate X-Men as well as Wiccan and Hulkling of the Young Avengers. Meanwhile, the new Batwoman has been unveiled as a lipstick lesbian. So whether it's the secret identities are simply those buckled boots, there's no denying that the comic book genre is definitely SuperGay.

sweet post. By sweet, I mean, right on. I think if they would've outed catwoman in the movie, Halle would've made a lot of women proud. Once in the books, how far can the silver screen be to showing the real sides of our heroes...giving them REAL realworld drama like living in the closet? And even if you can't live like a lipstick lez fighting crime and buffoons every day cuz you're all grown up and responsible with family, you can certainly enjoy the great lesbian characters the comics make, boobs spillin everywere, leather all over the place, drama out the yinyang. Now if only they can come up with the perfect bi hero -or maybe they ALL are! atman, your car's ready..how about a little robin with your catwoman? So so great the comics are coming out! Yay! How many repressed souls are out there anticipating the release of their dream alter egos into the real world? How many exclamations can I make in one comment!!!!
a friend
i luv ur writing.
hey, no fair! you can't just sign off as "a friend" without revealing yourself! you are no better than, well, a super hero! give me your secret identity or you will drive me NUTS!
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