Thursday, July 13, 2006

Butt Pirates...heheheh

Johnny Johnny Johnny. I could write about his integrity: how each role he chooses is artistically interesting and counter-"Hollywood". I could write about his earthy sexiness: raw, aloof, unquestionable. But it's his playfulness that I'm really in love with. Each character he has played is a child at heart. I encourage you to see for yourself. Have a Johnny night. Rent a few of his movies, get your favorite childhood candy (mine is Fun Dip) and see if you aren't overcome with silliness. And if you let yourself, I bet you let out a few girlish giggles when no one's watching.

I mean, the man (who is 43, mind you) still goes by the kid version of his name - Johnny. It's like he said right from the beginning: my name is Johnny and I refuse to ever grow up.


In Finding Neverland (one of my favorite movies ever), his character, JM Barrie, writer of Peter Pan, says: "Young boys should never be sent to bed...they always wake up a day older."

So, that's why I'll forgive Johnny for that second Pirates movie and blow a big raspberry to the critics. *PPPPHHHHBBBBBBTTTTT!!!!" After all, he didn't really sell out to the big blockbusters...he's still being a big kid just the same as always. And of course it doesn't hurt to be able to continue my fantasy of Jack & Will falling in love and sailing the seas together...

1 comment:

DC10 said...

I agree with Will. Finding Neverland was a fantastic movie and I love Johnny Depp. When I was in junior high I had a photo of JD in my locker. I can't belive these girls actually thought I was straight when we would swing by my locker to see my picture of Johnny Depp and do a hairspray touch up.